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Three Best Guinea Pig Photoshoot's For All Occasions (By: Noah)

Photo-shoot number one: Christmas:

Step one: go to a store that sells mini Christmas trees and get one about ten inches tall.

Step two: cut ornaments out of carrots and put them on the tree.

Step three: put your pig beside the tree and snap some photos.

Step four: wallow in the cuteness.

Photo-shoot number two: Halloween

Step one: go to a pumpkin patch or a store that sells pumpkins and get an organic (must be organic) pumpkin.

Step two: cut the top off like your making a jack-o-lantern and scoop out the seeds.

Step three: cut a door the size or bigger then your guinea pig, you can cut windows or other details.

Step four: put your pig in the pumpkin, sprinkle some hay around and snap some photos.

Step five: wallow in the cuteness.

Photo-shoot number three: Easter:

Step one: find a basket with low sides,

Step two: fill it with hay,

Step three: put your pig in the basket and snap some photos.

Step four: wallow in the cuteness.

We hope you enjoy!

- Noah

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