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10 Things You Should NOT Buy For Your Guinea Pigs (By: Aruna)

There are plenty of websites, pet stores, and online stores that encourage the sale of the items below but we're here to tell you do NOT get these for your pigs!

  1. Hamster Wheel: Many people categorize guinea pigs under the small pet or hamster category and think "oh wheels are fine for my pig" but wheels are incredibly dangerous since their bodies are not meant to move like that. They have a very fragile spine which could break or be injured by the wheel.

  2. Hay Racks: Guinea pigs have VERY gentle spines as you know but also have barely any neck so the strain that happens when they eat out of the hay rack is very bad for them.

  3. Toxic Toys: Toys with plastic or glue in them is very toxic, if they were ever to swallow it they could get sick or die. That's why you should be very careful when buying toys.

  4. Leashes & Harness's: Hugest mistake with pigs, NEVER use leashes or harness's with your pig because it could literally break their backs. Pigs need to be treated gently!

  5. Metal Hay Balls: There have been many horror stories of guinea pigs getting stuck or trapped in them and sustaining terrible injuries. If a guinea pig gets stuck in one of these, wire cutters are usually needed to rescue the guinea pig and it is not always a good outcome.

  6. Hamster Balls: When a pig uses a hamster ball it curves your pigs spine and it could snap, get injured, or worse.

  7. Small Cages: Many pet stores have "Guinea Pig Starter Kits" which have small cages, hayracks, and plastic toys. Small cages are encouraged sadly by many stores and your pig needs to roam to stay happy. They need space to spread out. If you have multiple pigs in a small cage that can become a bad and very sad situation.

  8. Wood Bedding: Guinea pigs have highly sensitive respiratory systems and are very prone to respiratory diseases. Cedar and non-kiln-dried pine-based bedding should not be used because they both naturally contain odors that are toxic to guinea pigs so using this kind of bedding will make your pets ill. It's also scratchy on their paws and they could get splinters.

  9. Salt Licks: Salt licks or mineral stones are sold for guinea pigs in pet shops, as well as online stores. Described as 100% natural and a way of supplementing their diet with minerals, they sound like a good thing, however, too much salt is bad for them and it is not recommended you buy these for your pets.

  10. Yogurt Drops: Yogurt drops are one of the most timeless and popular treats you’ll see in a pet store. These contain dairy, which can cause digestive upset in guinea pigs. Guinea pigs are strict herbivores and vegans and should not have even the smallest amount of meat, dairy, or other animal by-products. These drops are also very high in sugar, which can cause all kinds of problems in guinea pigs.

Thank you for reading I hope this helps with your pigs! If you have any questions comment below or contact us!

- Aruna

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Kate Gorman
Kate Gorman
Sep 25, 2022

Great advice thanks!

Oct 03, 2022
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