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How To: Set Up Your Guinea Pigs Cage/Home (By: Aruna)

Everyone needs a warm and loving home and so do you pigs! So today I'm going to give you a full-on guide to setting up your pig's cage!


When you adopt your pig NEVER get one of those pet store "starter kits". Pet stores will encourage you to buy their small pet store cages. The more pigs you have the bigger you have to go. I have one guinea pig and his cage is 2.5x4.5 which is a good size for one pig. You could go bigger for two however 2x4 is okay for 2 pigs. A great cage solution is grid cages. However, there are other great cage solutions. I will leave a link below for a good cage solution.

Liners and Bedding

I would highly recommend getting a liner for your pig however carefresh bedding is great as well. NEVER use wood-based beading the smell is bad for them as well as the roughness on their paws so they could get bumblefoot or splinters. Amazon, Guinea Pig Market, and other websites and Etsy stores have liners as well.

Toys and Enrichment

Make sure you have plenty of toys and fun hidey holes. Add a little hideyplace for your guinea pigs. Log tunnels (HAS to be made of apple wood) are super fun for pigs. Make sure never to get plastic toys, toys with small pieces that are harmful to swallow, toys made with toxic materials, and toys with any hot glue on them.

Hay/Litter Box

A common mistake with piggy owners is hayracks. Hayracks are to much work for pigs to get hay since they have a small neck and delicate spine, it also runs the risk of your piggy getting a paw or their head caught in it! Ovoid hayracks! You can just put hay on the floor or get a container to put the hay in. Some owners use hay as a litter box as well as food.


Be sure to have a little kitchen area in your pig's cage. A water bottle (have as many water bottles in a cage as you do pigs). A little bowl for pellets and you can also have a water bowl along with a pellet bowl. However, they will pee and poop in their water bowl. When it comes to veggies every pig has a preference. My pig Winnie likes to forage for his veggies so I sprinkle them around the cage to find them. Some pigs like Beethoven like eating their veggies in a bowl. Both options are great whatever works for your pig!


Pigloos, snuggle tunnels, fleece forests, hideys, and piggy bunkbeds are all great options for sleeping. Just make sure your pig has a place to sleep and feel safe.

I hope this article helped!

Xoxo, Aruna

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