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Polos Heights Police Rescue Four Guinea Pigs Carelessly Tossed In A Dumpster(by:Aruna)

Updated: Sep 24, 2022

In Polas Heights IL a witness saw someone throwing four guinea pigs into a dumpster. The witness who promptly called the police and officers Delaney, Kroll, and Community Officer Murray jumped into the dumpster and retrieved the poor guinea pigs. The local rescue center Critter Coral Guinea Pig Rescue (CCGPR) retrieved the guinea pigs from the police station. CCGPR founded in 1999 works on taking in homeless or unwanted guinea pigs and finding them new and loving homes.

The guinea pigs will hopefully be brought to a loving home that will take good care of them. Guinea Pigs live to be 5-8 years, guinea pigs are a time commitment and too common, the novelty wears off. Guinea Pigs are banished to basements, garages, or to a room where they are far from love or action. They end up dying of loneliness, completely forgotten by their owners. Sometimes owners release their pigs in the wild and they die from the elements or other animals. If you adopt a guinea pig please make sure you can take good care of them and give them plenty of love and attention.

If you for some reason can’t keep your guinea pig bring them to a rescue center that you know and trust. If you can’t find a place call your local vet and ask them to help you to find a place where your guinea pig can be adopted. Treat your pigs with love and kindness. And as always adopt not shop. If you would like to adopt from the CCGPR link below:

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