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NYC Council Is Trying To Ban The Sale Of Guinea Pigs (By: Aruna)

From reading the title you might be confused about the word sale, but sale and adoption are completely different things. You might have heard the term "adopt not shop" which means don't buy a guinea pig from a pet store, adopt one from a shelter or from an adoption website. Guinea pigs in pet stores are sadly not treated very well. Some guinea pigs in pet stores have never tasted hay! That's why adopting is the better solution.

In New York City during the pandemic, many people were very lonely and so they went out and bought guinea pigs from pet stores. As things slowly went back to normal and the novelty wore off on their guinea pigs people would bring their unwanted guinea pigs to shelters. Now shelters are crowded with guinea pigs that want to be adopted. But instead of adopting from the shelters, people continue to buy guinea pigs at pet shelters.

So NYC is trying to ban the sale of guinea pigs and have people start adopting pigs from shelters. I hope they do this in all states because a fact that is sadly unknown to people is when you adopt from a shelter its less expensive, your supporting the shelters work, the pigs are treated better and the workers will instruct you on how to properly care for your pigs in the best way possible. Many shelters are struggling with the number of guinea pigs in their shelters and can't wait much longer for the bill to be passed. We hope that for the sake of the pigs of NYC that the bill is passed soon!

- Aruna

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