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Chapter 2 Regan and the 40 Thieves By: C. Alvey

Chapter Two

Keeping your cool

By: C. Alvey

Every one was gone, Fin was nowhere in sight, I was alone for the first time in a very long time. Well, maybe not totally alone I could hear voices and scurryi

ng. I climbed out from under the popcorn tub and climbed up on top to see if I could get a better look of who was in the theater with me. It was dark but as my eyes slowly adjusted,I noticed that there were lots of other rodents moving throughout the theater. I saw many mice, a couple of rats, a mole or two and even a squirrel was there.

They were going through the theater loading up on all the food and detritus that was strewn across the floor. They were all fighting and arguing about who was getting what. It was real mayhem and a little scary. Then one of the rats noticed me sitting on top of my buttery thrown and stared yelling at me about being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

“Hey you! Fancy pants, what are you doing here?” This big rat starts yelling at me. Coming up on me fast. I back up to the edge of my tub instinctively.

“Yeah I’m talking to you. What are you doing in my hall? You better be ready to pay the price or pay the consequences! Makes no difference to me.” This rat yells at me while shaking a paw at me.

“Excuse me, I seem to be lost or that is my boy is lost, and your coming off pretty strong there

I would really appreciate if you could take a few minutes explain this mayhem and anarchy to me. Who are you?” I ask this ruffian. No doubt about it this rat was a bully.

“ Me, me, know who the heck are you, all high and might standing up there on your thrown.

I tell you who I am. They call me Beans and you don’t know who your messing with. Every one in this place pays homage to the boss, the head rat. And now you work for me, mister fancy pants.” Beans says to me in his sneering street thug accent.

“Well, a, Mr. Beans I would kindly ask you to refrain from trying to bully me. I have no intentions of paying you homage or slave labor or whatever other crazy notions you might have in mind. I am simply at the wrong place at the wrong time. I will just wait here for My boy Fin to return to retrieve me. Kindly go about your business and let me be.” I tell the rat in my most non confrontational tone.

“Why you little pig I’ll fricassee you.” Beans yelled as he charged me with furry in his eyes.

I saw this coming from the start of our conversation and knew he would try such a threatening attack. I simply timed it perfectly and stepped to the back of the popcorn tub and leaned so it would come up on the side of his assault and just how I saw it worked. Beans leaped the popcorn tub went up blocking his charge then came down on top of him trapping him underneath. Leaving me on top.

All the other creatures in the hall just stopped and looked at me. They couldn’t believe how easy it was for me to subdue beans. The squirrel even cheered and laughed a little at how easy this bully beans just lost, without a fight. Then they all started hooping and hollering and before I knew it they were all circling around cheering.

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